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Millions of 3-5 Week Old Chickens Suffer and Then Killed for Kaporos Each Year

Animal rights activists plead annually with Kaporos participants, asking them to show mercy for the chickens. However, most participants simply ignore their pleas.

VANESSA SOL: ‘Kapparot, Hebrew for Kaporos, is an annual Hasidic Jewish tradition that occurs during the first week of October this year. People who practice Kaporos believe that they are transferring their sins from the preceding year to a live chicken by sacrificing the chicken, thereby absolving themselves of those sins for the future. The Kaporos tradition causes thousands of chickens worldwide to suffer every year. This sacrificial tradition is performed just before Yom Kippur, a Jewish holiday that symbolizes the cleansing of one’s sins.

Each person participating in Kaporos initiates the ritual by saying a prayer while swinging a chicken over his or her head in a circular motion. Afterward, the participants pay a butcher to complete the sacrifice. The butcher slits the chicken’s throat and shoves the chicken into a traffic cone set up to drain the chicken’s blood…

Nonprofit organizations such as Jewish Veg and The Save Movement also have become involved in more recent years. These coalitions work together to organize direct and indirect actions to protect the chickens as much as legally possible… Activists plead annually with Kaporos participants, asking them to show mercy for the chickens by using money to perform the ritual instead of live chickens. However, most participants simply ignore the activists’ pleas…

Animal rights activists have observed many dead chicken bodies in garbage bags on the streets of Brooklyn, New York, among other cities. In some cases, activists have even discovered chickens that are still alive, trapped in closed garbage bags. In one astonishing example, activists recorded by Unparalleled_Suffering rescued a rooster that they later named Robin. Robin was found with his throat slit, still breathing’.  SOURCE…


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